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Mountain hike to Soiernhaus lodge at Krün

Mountain hikes

Start: Center of Krün - Destination: Soiernhaus

This sprawling mountain hike from Krün to the Soiernhaus lodge will require a certain amount of fitness. This sustained hike leads you first through a woodland and then past the idyllic Soiernsee lakes to your destination, at an altitude of 1,600 meters...

Tour dates

  • Duration4:41 h
  • Distance11.1 km
  • Difficultymedium
  • Altitude930 m
  • Lowest point861 m
  • Highest point1622 m

Tour highlights

    • Dreamlike mountain lakes near the Soiernhaus lodge
    • Panoramic views of the Fischbachkopf, Predigtstuhl and Ochsenstaffel
    • Diverse mountain hike with additional hiking options

Tour description

The starting point is the hiking parking lot in Gries, in Krün. From here, go over the Isar bridge to the left. After a short while you will reach a junction, where you will turn right onto a forest road, all the while following the signs leading toward the Fischbachalm alpine hut (operated in July, August). Once arriving there, stay to the left on the forest road toward the Soiernhaus lodge, down into the bottom of the valley (Hundstall). From here, the ascent leads you up through the clearing forest. At the trail junction shortly before the lodge, stay to the right to reach the Soiernhaus lodge up several steps.

Height profile