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The Isar nature experience route near Krün

Hiking tour:Round tour

Start: Center of Krün - Destination: Center of Krün

The Isar-Nature

Experience Route offers many different thematic areas and interesting

stations. These will bring you closer to the habitats and nature on and around the Isar  river. For example, experience water games or the tree telephone with the entire family...

Tour dates

  • Duration2:18 h
  • Distance7.4 km
  • Difficultyeasy
  • Altitude93 m
  • Lowest point861 m
  • Highest point917 m

Tour highlights

    • Fun for the whole family at various activity stations and info panels
    • Trail along the Isar river
    • Trail along the Isar reservoir, with swans and various waterfowl

Tour description

The starting point is the center of Krün, accessible by the bus stop "Ortsmitte Krün". At the Maypole, you take the Schöttlkarspitzstraße to the city hall, then continue down the mountain towards the Isar. From here, go over the Isar bridge, following the green signs to the left toward the "Isar-Natur-Erlebnisweg" (Isar Nature Experience Route). The trail goes through the forest, with slight climbs, to the overlook bench, which invites you to take a break and have a snack. Then continue on the trail down to the Isar floodplain, where the whole family will be entertained by numerous info panels and activity stations. Upon reaching the clearing, a wooden float invites you to take a rest, before following the trail along the reservoir, where you can see swans and water birds. After a short climb, the route continues at the entrance to town, keeping to the right along the Isar river, via the pebble stone nature trail, back to the starting Point.

Height profile