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Mountainbiketour to Vereiner Alm near Mittenwald

Mountainbike tour

Start: Mittenwald train station car park - Destination: Vereiner Alm

The hut Vereiner Alm is undoubtedly one of the most scenic tour destinations for mountain bikers in Alpenwelt Karwendel. Nestled between the Soierngebirge and the northern Karwendel range the alp lies on wide alpine meadows at an altitude of 1,400 metres

Tour dates

  • Duration1:33 h
  • Distance12.6 km
  • Difficultymedium
  • Altitude579 m
  • Lowest point884 m
  • Highest point1429 m

Tour highlights

    • glorious alpine pasture at approx. 1.400 metres
    • refreshing drinks & Bavarian snacks at the Vereiner Alm
    • overnight accommodation at the Krinner-Kofler-Hütte

Tour description

The tour to the Vereiner Alm is perfect for mountain bikers as an introduction, to later descend the "classics" of the region with the Karwendel or the Wettersteinrunde. Via the roads Schöttlkarstraße and Tiefkarkarstraße, bikers reach the Isar Bridge at the Unter Rain. The subsequent bike path leads along the Isar, between the two barracks through to the parking lot Mittenwald Nord, where the first climb to the Aschauer Alm (not managed) begins. Cross the wild river Seinsbach over a narrow bridge before reaching the road, which leads up to the Vereiner Alm, which is quite steep in places. The last few metres down to the idyllic alpine pasture, where you can relax with fresh drinks and hearty bread.

Height profile