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Lüftlmalereien in Mittenwald

At every corner, artistic Lüftlmalereien tell of the rich history and deep piety of the inhabitants. Numerous frescoes adorn the house fronts in the village centre and even after well over 200 years they have been preserved in incomparable beauty.

In recent years many houses, churches and chapels have been masterfully decorated with frescoes by the local artist family Pfeffer.

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Tip: The Tourist Information Office offers a guided tour on the subject of "Mittenwald Lüftlmalereien" every Thursday at 10.00 am in summer. Duration approx. 2 hours, contribution towards expenses € 6.00 for guests with guest card € 4.00.

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Lüftlmalereien in Mittenwald

82481 Mittenwald

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